Warriors of Waterdeep is a D&D -themed turn-based mobile battle game, where I among many others satisfy their itch caused by a D&D fly bit.
At start I was disappointed, as the mechanics only somewhat resembled D&D. This is a mobile game with D&D flavor glued on it. But I've grown to like it, and I was given leadership if the Finnish guild I joined (more on that later). I thought I'd lose my interest after delving all the explorable dungeons, but there's something addicting about searching for treasures, gathering xp and duelling with other players – nothing new about that.
I'd like to share my tips to those beginning the game:
A new thing in the game is Guild rallies and raids. Sometimes you can get huge amounts of XP in them – I was able to get to 40th Fire giant villain in a Raid once (Image right). Too bad I didn't have +200%xp book active. And in Rallies you should aim for 50 pts that gives you purple chest, that is quite tasty (and you'll need those keys to be able to access Raids).
How was I able to make this? Paladin's Block bracelet (+50%) and Fighter's Epic weapon's AC (+50%) combined with cleric's healings and regeneration gives you almost indefinite durability against this villain, if you are alert!
And a word in Finnish:
Kuten mainitsin, minusta tehtiin hiljattain Suomi -killan johtaja. En tiedä kuinka pitkään pysyn hommassa & kuinka aktiivisena, mutta toistaiseksi olen pysynyt kyllä aktiivisena hommassa. Sisäänpyrkijien käyttäjänimistä on vaikea aina sanoa kuka on suomalainen, joten kannattaa vaikka laittaa viestiä tätä kautta jos haluaa mukaan ja käyttäjänimi ei ole selkeästi Suomalainen.