e2o shot down

Several years ago, development of e2o was stalled as I got kids, a house and most of my time went with these; I also was never happy with what I had done – perfectionist syndrome – and always at the point where I was closing point of release, I wanted to king down the anthill and start building something better. At some point, my website was hacked and I realised the old e2o website was too old and unsupported Drupal version, which was too insecure – and as I didn't export the content in any usable format, at some point it stopped completely working. A while ago I decided to dig all the valuable info from the old site whatever it takes, and try to continue the development. And then, Ukraine happened. And seeing what is happening there, I realised the theme of the game was something that is not fun at all. Old cold war taken to space felt like a cool idea, where New Soviet Union missile ships were launching barrages of missiles and a battle carrier commander deciding to launch a nuke, even if it could tilt the result of the combat against it's side due to political repercussions, started to feel like a horrible thing. Maybe one day – hopefully – situation will be different enough for the game to be published online. Right now any war game feels bad. At some point I may try to find a different theme for the game, as I have been really happy about how it mechanically turned out, but the time for it is not now. Until that day comes – if that day comes – it will be more or less silent in this section of the blog.

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