Shaper & Maker

modeller & gamer

Tracon came much too fast, I hope I didn't scare anyone interested with my looks - I realized last night that my eyes were  all red for several weeks of too little sleep... While my preparations weren't as perfect I would have hoped for, I was pretty satisfied with what I got ready.

Finally in the actual playtesting phase. The game will of course need much more playtesting, but it's been very thoroughly designed so there would be as few difficult and cumbersome elements in the rules as there could be.

Pelin ensimmäinen puolivirallinen esiintyminen tapahtuu Traconissa 7.2.2009, jossa demoan peliä. Pyrin julkaisemaan tapahtumaa varten hyvin pienen beta-painoksen. Yksityiskohdat ovat vielä hämärän peitossa, viimeiset 3.5 viikkoa ennen demoa tulevat olemaan hyvin kiireiset. Tarkoitus on kuitenkin yrittää saada beta-versio niin valmiiksi kuin mahdollista.

A lot of my recent corrections just got obsolete as I decided to do change one of basic elements in the game. I had to go through the whole document again to change all reference to ship class - I realized that all units I had made had a straight relation between their hull rating and ship class. While this change gave some problems to be solved it already solved some by itself. Several factors were related to ship class, but now they will have to depend on hull rating.

Setting is being shaped up. Main players in the setting will be major powers of Earth. US and Russian forces will compete once again, it is second time of colonization. A few alien species have been encountered, but they have been found to be mainly aggressive. Alliances of Europe, Southern countries and far-east are also conquering riches of the galaxy. With gate technology developed at the end of 22nd century, these five major powers of Earth have established dozens of colonies around the galaxy, and the danger of conflicts is now in the air, between factions of Earth and the Aliens.

The size of this whole project is starting to reveal itself to me. Still, making E2O is very interesting, and it makes me even more dedicated to making this game a finalized product. I've started to think through graphics, designed logo, have been designing the ships some more and read the rules several times through again, making improvements and corrections. It's clear now how the graphics will be done, and I've even designed some of the faction logos.

Welcome to new E2O -site! E2O is a space combat rules system that is designed to be fast and simple yet have some degree of realism and variety of options. This site will be center for playtesting, place to create and share units and to discuss about the system.